For kids + families battling rare conditions

The Fierce Blog

Inspired by love

Summer 2018: A Letter to our Fierce Followers

After taking a few months to get settled into our new digs in Florida, the Be Fierce team is back in action. It’s difficult to believe it has been more than a year and a half since our sweet Aubrey received her angel wings, but her strength along with the love and support from our family and friends is what continues to fuel our drive to fight for the kids and families who are facing difficult, and often unimaginable, medical situations.

Thank you for joining us in this journey to help those battling rare disease and for honoring Aubrey’s legacy. 

Mike & Katie Kyne 

Thank you for your support. 

Click on the letter to the left to hear more about how your support has helped children and families ... and to learn about what the BE FIERCE team has planned.